For nearly 22 years, Compassion for Asia (CFA) has been impacting the lives of unreached people in Southeast Asia. CFA cares and serves the unreached people of Asia with God’s love. We are focusing primarily on Southeast Asia.
We share, preach and start fellowships in unreached people groups and disciple believers by equipping, training, teaching, and raising them to be future leaders. We serve the unreached people with the Love and Compassion of Jesus Christ. We continue to help the needy and most afflicted people with humanitarian aid and relief by providing them with education and caring for orphans and older adults.
Many countries in Southeast Asia are under 10/40 windows and least-reached with Gospel. Most of the people live in remote and rural areas with challenging life situations. Many do not have access to clean drinking water or essential healthcare and primary education.

Our main base is in Nepal. Over the last few decades, Nepal has seen tremendous breakthroughs in the growth of Christianity. According to the World Christian Database, Nepal has one of the fastest-growing Christian populations in the world. The World Christian Database tracks global trends in Christianity.
Compassion for Asia continues to help and provide humanitarian aid and relief to those affected by Covid. Despite the hardships and challenges with recent Covid-19, we believe that Nepal’s best days are ahead. We continue to serve people with humanitarian aid and relief and reach souls with God’s love. God is raising people to join in what he is doing in this strategic nation. Please consider joining us in seeing Southeast Asia impacted, both in word and compassion, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

School of Ministry

CFA School of Ministry is one of the most important investment we can make by raising and equipping the native future leaders

Children homes

Every year between 5000-10000 girls is trafficked from Nepal to India in prostitute centers.

Church planting

Church planting is very exciting and always great to see kingdom of God advances


NGOs runs different projects such as drinking water, diaster relief, humanatrian crisis needs and education sectors.

Eldery Home

Many older people have do not have food and a place to stay. It is centre with care and hope

Seminars and Conferences

  We continue to host and teach and preach through few days leadership seminars and evangelists out reaches

You are welcome to online donation. Please click the donation link and follow the directions given.

About Khadka

Sudip Khadka is the founder and president of Compassion for Asia. In 1989, after a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ, he dedicated his life to full-time ministry. Since then, he has spent his life serving the people of Nepal and South East Asia.

  • Last week, Reach the Unreached Nepal (Run Nepal) held its general assembly. Run Nepal oversees all humanitarian work in Nepal. Compassion for Asia is the umbrella organization supporting Run Nepal.

  • Merry Christmas!  We are so grateful to our families and friends. 2023 has been such a crucial year for all of us. There are so many things the Lord has done. We are grateful for all His work. You have believed and supported us; we are so grateful for standing with us. We want you […]

  • Compassion for Asia completed a three-day annual leadership conference in the first week of November. We all come once a year to get updates and refresh ourselves. Many of us share our blessings and what God has done over the year. We had great seasonal local leaders and international speakers share with us. One of […]

  • We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024! Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. 32 He will be great, and […]

  • We hope this newsletter finds you all doing well! It’s incredible how God celebrates when just one person comes to Him in repentance, therefore we are thrilled to announce that two individuals recently found salvation in Mephy Church in Kathmandu, We couldn’t be more excited to see our church family grow and witness the power […]

  • We hope this newsletter finds you doing absolutely fantastic. We have some truly exciting news to share from the beautiful north Nepal Jiri, not so far from Tibet. We are thrilled to announce that we’ve started a third children’s home in Jiri! Read more…3 Khadka October Newsletter 2023