Entries by Administrator

Renovatation of old children home building!

We are fixing the old children’s home, such as Re-doing and strengthening the foundations of the building. Re-building all the walls on the first to the third floor. That means retrofitting pillars by doubling their sizes. We are so excited that we will finally be able to use this building again! This renovation work might […]

September Newsletter 2022

People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 God surprises us by using people like David, a shepherd boy who was younger and probably not the first pick of the family Read more…4 Khadka September Newsletter 2022

July-August Newsletter 2022

This newsletter will touch on something that is a bit challenging for us, and has been for several years. We have faced many obstacles, but have also seen God use that event to bring glory to His name. What the enemy meant for evil, God has used for our good read more…3 Khadka July-August Newsletter […]

Landslide and flooding around children home continues..!

For the last few weeks, it has been raining nonstop. The heavy monsoon rain is causing massive flooding and landslides in different parts of Nepal. Unfortunately, the areas where we live are no exception. Yesterday the wall close to the old children’s home fell. It happened during the daytime, and thank God no one was […]

Monsoon flooding around Mahima children home!

As you all know, the summertime is also monsoon time in Nepal, and for several years we have been struggling with flooding around the children’s home building. This is because all of our neighbors have elevated their properties to 20-30feet more than the original properties. This makes all the rainwater drain to our property because […]

May-June Newsletter 2022

It is always a blessing to have friends come visit us in Nepal. Finally, the borders are opened again even though Covid-19 is not completely over. Read more…Khadka-May-June-Newsletter-2022

Hosting our frinend Mark !

As the country opens, We can have our families and friends visit us. This month, We have hosted my longtime friend Mark Spitsbergen. We had our first meetings together in 2006 and have been ministering together in Nepal since then. This time he ministered in two of our local fellowships in Kathmandu. After the sessions, […]

Pastors and leaders seminar in Kanchanpur!

Seeing many pastors and couples from the south-west and north-west come together with pastors and leaders from India was beautiful. Spending three days with them was beautiful, teaching, preaching, and praying for them. The Lord did a lot of healing and miracles in these meetings. The seminar was refreshing for many pastors and leaders.

March Newsletter 2022

During my time in Nepal , I minisered different places and ministires. This month’s newsletter will be focused on the leadership seminars. Read more..3-Khadka-March-Newsletter-2022

Leadership seminar in Dolakha

It was beautiful to have a pastors and leaders seminar in Dolakha. It was time for encouraging and empowering. It was a blessing to see brother Jagat also join us. One of our Bible School 2007 graduates, Jagat Thami, has started two churches in this area. When we began the work in this area in […]