Entries by Administrator

Jan-Feb Newsletter 2022

Happy New year 2022!  Thank you all for your partnership in 2021. Paul writes, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus-Philippians 3:14 These are passionate words from Paul. He has such focus to his heavenly calling.  We continue to move forward with […]

December Newsletter 2021

Dear  families and friends !  Thank you for your prayers and contributions for 2021. Merry Christmas and Happy new year 2022!  Let the Christ bring peace and Joy in your heart  and Enjoy your time with families and freinds. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022!

Christmas is always a great season and time of the year to Praise God for sending his only begotten son.God became flesh and born on earth, and He is lives with us today through the Holy Spirit.Thank You, God, for the redemption plan for all humanity through the birth of Jesus Christ.  We thank you […]

November Newsletter 2021

Jesus said, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.  Here Jesus speaks about how we should serve each other and not just serve the people whom can repay us. read more… Khadka-November-Newsletter-2021

Six people take water baptism!

The Country is opening up more and more. Covid numbers are going down. Belivers are starting to meet physically  again with weekend fellowships, prayers meetings, and bible studies to maintain social distances. Last week, we had baptism services in two of our locations in Kathmandu . Six people took water baptism. Praise the Lord. Thank […]

October Newsletter 2021

This month’s newsletter is full of wonderful updates and an opportunity to pray in the end. It makes me so excited to be able to share all of these things with you!read more…Khadka October Newsletter 2021

aug-sept newsletter 2021

It is always pleasure to update to you about the work. This is especial newsletter on our summer trip also.  Thank you for taking a time to read through. Please open PDF and read more …Khadka August – September Newsletter 2021

Schools starts again!

Another wonderful thing that has happened this month is that the schools in Nepal finally opened back up again after almost one year of lockdown. This is a sign that things are starting to get back to a “new normal”. The kids are back in their uniforms and can meet their friends at school. Our […]

One crises to the next !

This year’s monsoon rain finally is over; however, many people have been affected by the massive rain, flooding and landslide.  Pastor Dhan, who is situated right outside of Kathmandu, was one of them. Almost 20 families were flooded out of their homes in this area. All of their belonging was totally wet and with no […]

School of Ministry classes continues!

Our online zoom classes for school of ministry are continuing. Thank you for your prayers. As the scripture says: the one neither who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.1 Corinthians 3:7. We are so grateful for what God is doing through your gifts and prayers.  Big […]