Celebrating the birth of Jesus-Christmas
As the year is about to end. We are so grateful to our families and friends. 2020 has not been easy year for all of us regardless where we live. In the midst of all this, You have supported us and we are so grateful to you for standing with us. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you once again. Some of the churches were able to celebrate Christmas, where there has been less affected by Corona. Church believers come together on 25 December. Church has especial church service, followed by a meal together, and celebrate the most important day in history, the birth of Jesus. We invite our non-believers’ neighbors and use this day to evangelize the reason for Christ’s birth. These pictures are from Mhepy Mahima church.
Christmas is an especial time for each of us because of Jesus Christ’s birth for humankind’s salvation. His redeeming plan through His son Jesus. It is a joyful time for everyone.