CFA School of Ministry Nepal !
I talked to one of our student at CFA School of Ministry called Santosh Tomata who came from far west Nepal. He told me that he was only believer in his family. His family were against his decision about following Christ and he mentioned me that he was going to start new church in his unreached village. Once I heard this I really felt encouraging him with vision that he has received and backing him up. This was why we started to equip and train new people. Make that happen where each village have its own church. This is awesome way to raise church planters.
After the earthquake in 2015, we did not start a new semester because the children’s home was using facility where we ran our Bible College. We used to run 3 years course. We finally got started short-term school again in fall 2017. Our 24 students came from different parts of Nepal and closer from boarder of India and Tibet. Most of them were from different tribal groups who have their own languages, culture and traditions. Our instructors were most local pastors and leaders during this whole fall training.
Urmila B.K. decided to join the Bible School because she wanted to serve God and know Him better. She was the only believer in her family like Santosh and this was a bold step for her. She has completed her training. Her plan was to be a church planter and she is on her way back to her Village. Most of these students have a deep and genuine hunger to be equipped and know more from His word and know Him. Our students were first generation believers and did not have church background, since they normally came from Hindu or Buddhist backgrounds.
On 6 November, we rejoiced together at graduation to see them completing their training and go through graduation. It has been part of my heart. It always touches my heart when I see students from different languages; tribes and regions come to us. Enjoy seeing them grow and get discipled and go through the training, and see them graduated. Looking forward to see how God is going to use them and excited about the new CFABC school year in January 2018.
Some of the students turned to be our native missionaries we go along with them for long time. We try to support them to start the work and help them whatever way we can.