January-February 2020
Can you believe we are already at the end of February 2020! I have a thankful heart to God for last year. Each month was filled with challenges and opportunities. Read more…January February newsletter 2020
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But we are proud to say that Administrator contributed 145 entries already.
Can you believe we are already at the end of February 2020! I have a thankful heart to God for last year. Each month was filled with challenges and opportunities. Read more…January February newsletter 2020
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 What a great time of the year again to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Let your heart be filled with love of the birth of Jesus Christ. Be refreshed […]
In October I, Anne Lise, attended a conference with focus on how we can work together on eradicating orphans. How I got there is a story on its own and it was clear that God’s hand was in it. For the last few years, Sudip and I have been feeling God changing our view on […]
We just hosted our annual pastor and leadership conference. It was a great time with renewal and refreshing for people who work in very difficult areas in the world. The leaders and pastors from all over Nepal and India participated for three days. There were over 80 pastors. It is always great time for us […]
Here is recent updates on children homes. There is a lot going on. We are able to move the second children home out of Kathmandu, working on stairs at first children home. Read more …September 2019 Khadka Newsletter
Run-Nepal presently runs two children home, small elderly home, scholarship program, drinking water projects, helping schools and involved in social work. Last 20 years, we have worked hard and continue to make an impact in Nepal. We have raised 100s of orphan children and provided them accommodation, food, education, clothing, and everything. We continue to […]
Working in Nepal has been full of adventures. It is always questions that I ask what is next? Finally came out of the children home-road challenge and move to the next one. We live and work in a country, which is hostile against the minority, especially towards Christians. Everything we go through we know in […]
Nepal filled with festivals and religious ceremonies. Majorities of people follow Hindu religion. It is hard for believers in their families if they are the only Christian. Many are often forced to celebrate the Hindu holidays and make the sacrifice in the temples. We do not celebrate those festivals; instead, we try to encourage […]
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation… read more August 2019 Khadka Newsletter
We continue to work on improving on children homes facility. We are working on putting iron stairs in the Mahima children home. Foundation for house step(stairs)in first children has been almost completed. It will take another few months for the iron stairs(step)work to be finished.
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