October Newsletter 2021

This month’s newsletter is full of wonderful updates and an opportunity to pray in the end. It makes me so excited to be able to share all of these things with you!read more…Khadka October Newsletter 2021

aug-sept newsletter 2021

It is always pleasure to update to you about the work. This is especial newsletter on our summer trip also.  Thank you for taking a time to read through. Please open PDF and read more …Khadka August – September Newsletter 2021

June-July Newsletter 2021

Some of our staff and a few of our children were tested positive with Indian variant Covid at Mahima Children’s Home in Kathmandu. Now they all are out of isolation and quarantine. Thank you for praying for them. read more…  Khadka June-July Newsletter 2021

May Newsletter 2021

Nepal is going through a second wave of Corona and an incomplete lockdown.  Many believers and pastors are in Quarantine and isolation.  Few staff and bigger children are tested Corona positive.  We have already lost a few of our ministry network friends. Be praying for Nepal and India. For more in detail please read our monthly newsletter .. Khadka May Newsletter 2021

April Newsletter 2021

Traveling is no longer fun and easy. I have arrived  in Nepal . This is the first newsletter I have written while being physically in Nepal for a long time. I am connecting with every one and doing my best to be available and provide the leadership to our ministries. Thank you for your contributions and prayers . Read more… Khadka April Newsletter 2021

Marach Newsletter 2021

Happy Easter or resurrection day. This month is special for all of us as we celebrate the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ and He loved us so much (John 3:16) that came to this earth and died and not only that He rose from death. There is hope and life in Him for all of us.  This month’s newsletter is from children home. One of our spiritual daughter gets married and many more. Please read more …  Khadka March Newsletter 2021

February 2021

Pictures are worth a thousands words. This month’s newsletter is full of pictures than words or stories. Every pictures are full of stories. We continue to work to see His kingdom advanced. Please to read more click the PDF file…Khadka February 2021

January 2021

Happy New year to you! Wow! we all made it. Regardless what has happened last year; The Lord is still in control and in work. Here are updates from recent weeks. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose -Romans 8:28 Here is our latest news from us read more …January newsletter

November-December 2020

Wow ! We have few more weeks before this year is over. It has been different year for all of us regardless where we live. Tourism, travels, jobs and so many other thigs have been effected because of the Corona.  We like to thank you so much for every prayers you made and contributions. Here is the latest newsletter…Khadka November 2020

September-October 2020

Roads  are opened after long six months lockdown. There has been lot of rain also. Our people have stood firm during monsoon rain, which caused a lot of flooding, landslide, and damage to our people’s homes and fights fear and consequences of losing jobs because of Corona.  Read more…Khadka September – October 2020